cochyn sound

Geraint Lewis

And into April we go……

……..and the return to some level of normality for the industry? After the “re-lockdown” in January I always thought that but March we would be returning to some kind of pre-Christmas workload. I was wrong. January and February, I had enough for the “bread and butter” (as my Dad would say) but definitely no “jam and cream”.
March, the month where I thought there would be something a little chunkier to get going on, was looking bleak. Until, I was passed on some work as production needed a local recordist. So, from having a poorly looking diary I went to doing 7 days with the lovely Richard Bertinet in his bakery school.
Moving forward, April, if what’s in the diary actually sticks then the fabled “jam and cream” might be there for me as well as the “bread and butter”. Fingers crossed that happens for everyone else as well.


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